Road Trip to the Cape

Nobska Lighthouse in the fog.

Queen, Joan Jett and the Blackhearts, Michael Jackson, and the Rolling Stones - I was singing along with all of them as I drove down I-495 to Cape Cod yesterday.  As Stéphane was melting in the heat of Texas and our son was busy completing some work for a class, I decided to visit our daughter, Sara, at the Cape. 

Living in Paris, where I don't own a car, road trips are one of my secret pleasures while visiting the States.  People from other countries usually have a hard time understanding Americans' love of driving, but there's something to be said about hitting the open road, especially in an American muscle car like the new Dodge Charger.  When the man at the car rental company told us to pick any car in the lot, it immediately caught our eye.  And it's so much more fun to drive than a sedate sedan!

My only regret is that it isn't red!
