Sunday's picture and a song - Happy Easter! Chocolate and "Jesus Shaves" by David Sedaris

Who delivers the chocolate to girls and boys on Easter - the Easter Bunny or the bells? If you're an American, you probably said the Easter Bunny. If you're French, you probably said the bells. Talk about cultural differences - how can a bell deliver Easter chocolate?!

David Sedaris asks the same question during a French class in Paris in this hilarious YouTube clip. Guaranteed to make you laugh if you've ever studied French or tried to explain something in a foreign language.

The above is an excerpt of "Jesus Shaves". Please click here if you would like to listen to it in its entirety.


  1. Thanks for the Sedaris story!
    It's perfect for this holiday!

  2. You're welcome, Carol! Glad you enjoyed it.

    I love your new profile photo - the red glasses are très chic!

  3. "A rabbit?", said the teacher. That's funny. Really funny.

    Happy Sunday Easter (a little late in the day), so happy Monday too.

    1. Thanks! I had a wonderful Easter Monday in the Bois de Boulogne.

      I liked how the teacher wiggled her index fingers above her head just to make sure that Sedaris knew what he had said. It reminds me of the times when someone is sure that I've used the wrong word.

  4. "There's no way a Paris bell would allow an immigrant to come in and steal its work!" - Sooo true =) This youtube video was hilarious, thank you for sharing.

    1. You're welcome! :) The part about the Italian bells made me laugh, too. You're right, it's so true!

  5. Hilarious! I have just woken my husband up laughing so loud to this.

    Love from Bolton

    1. I'm pleased that it gave you a good laugh, Denise. My apologies to your husband!


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