Sunday's Picture and a Song: Swiss Fondue!

Swiss white wine, Swiss fondue cheese, a Swiss fondue pot and a French baguette.

In honor of Stéphane's and my first fondue of the 2012-13 season, here's a cheesy song by Swiss singer Ricky Raclette.

If you've ever wondered what Swiss people carry across the border into France, it's Swiss cheese, Swiss wine and Swiss chocolate. The French stuff just isn't the same, although the baguettes are definitely better in Paris!


  1. I just don't know what to say. That there is someone in the world going around as Ricky Raclette or that someone as good looking as this guy is Ricky Raclette--which is more surprising?

    I do love the yodeling though.

    1. What was even more surprising to me is that Ricky Raclette skis shirtless in the Alps! I guess that's why he needs to take a dip in the fondue pot to warm up when he's finished. And for the record, I've never met anyone named "Ricky" in Switzerland...Raclette or otherwise.

  2. hysterical video! Got me rockin' this a.m.

  3. what are they at
    this is more like an ad for put me off switzerland for ever.

    1. Please don't let this silly video put you off Switzerland. It's a beautiful country!

    2. And I should add that I've never met anyone as cheesy as Ricky Raclette there.

  4. The "cheesiest" video ever. I think the French made it to make the Swiss look bad.

    1. Ha! That could very well be, Bob. I'll have to warn Stephane so that he can alert the authorities in Bern. We know how jealous the French are of Swiss cheese!

  5. Excuse me while I go change, I believe I've wet myself laughing.

    1. Any chance that you changed into a Swiss Miss costume?

  6. what a cheesy video!...oh somebody else already said it!

    Love Denise

  7. "Hot Breath, Foreign Tongues"? Is anyone else kind of grossed out by this name?! LOL! I must admit though, I don't think the song is that bad. It's catchy! But I'm also a sucker for ALL things cheese.

    Question: Where did you get that truffle cheese? Please don't say it's only available Switzerland..Please don't say it's only available Switzerland..
    I love a good truffle somethin' in the winter..and infused in cheese? Vendu!

    1. Sorry, Ella! The mix came from Switzerland but it's just cheese with a bit of truffle added to it. The next time we're going to get a piece of truffle at the market and put it in the fondue when we make it rather than use the mixture. It will probably taste even better that way.

      Hot Breath, Foreign Tongues" is a strange name - I think that it has something to do with a European song competition. At least, I hope that's the case!

  8. MKay, I am sitting at Hero Husband's stone age laptop so I won't even dream of attempting to listen to the cheesy video.... and I think I can already now say that I won't like what I'm gonna see some other time.... :)
    And I guess I would never ever have thought that I would defend the French for anything at all - because usually I am convinced that the Swiss can do better... lol, lol (for those who don't know me - I am Swiss) but Hero Husband and I had an outstanding RACLETTE on Saturday with mountain milk cheese - it was wonderful. And the French have some pretty amazing patatoes!

    As for the FONDUE, I do however wholewheartedly agree with you - I usually
    bring my own Swiss made mixtures. Now another confession: Occasionally, I buy a Savoie-mixture, quite lovely too... although driving 7hrs to the Savoy alps for the real thing seems a bit silly (and we had other things to do there so it wasn't a prob!)

    I DO love the wine you have standing there, even after the raclette we had I am yearning for a Fondue. This morning I was standing in a Coop and the guy filling the shelves with a 'cheap Italian "champagne" ' and smiling at me, who was earnestly stuying a 'special' for a carton of Humagne Rouge at only CHF70 something instead of CHF97 something.... - said chap said to me: Can I interest you for the champagne? I smiled back at him and said; I'm just over from France and we are being fed on Champagne so often that I can probably do without for the rest of my life if you'd offer me the Humagne Rouge instead... :) I had to tell HH this short story because in France NOBODY would ever address you in a shop unless you drop dead at their feet but in one short sequence this morning, FOUR shop employees addressed me their greetings - I love Switzerland!!!!

    1. I wholeheartedly agree with you about French potatoes, Kiki. Even in Switzerland, I buy the French ones. There must be something about the soil here that gives them more flavor. Stephane asked our cheese monger about French fondue and they use a different combination of cheese than the Swiss. He laughed when the woman told him that they only have Vacherin during the holidays because the French think of it as a festive cheese! It's a daily cheese for us when we're in CH! Last year, we had some French raclette and it was fairly good, if not as tasty as the Swiss variety.

      Enjoy your time in Switzerland. It always does the heart good to be in our home country! From looking at your Flickr account, it looks as if you've been traveling back and forth between FR and CH. It must be a lot of work maintaining your beautiful house here while trying to establish a life there.

  9. Oh my. I thought that video would NEVER end!

    But funny.


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