Galeries Lafayette Inaugurates Magical Louis Vuitton Christmas Windows in Paris

When I finally went to bed in the wee hours of the morning, I wasn't sure if I would write about how Ella CoquineKristen, Mariana and I spent our first presidential election in Paris or the illumination of the Christmas lights at Galeries Lafayette last night. It was only after reading New Zealander Gwan's straight talking tweet, "Yeah, yeah, America's the bestest country the universe has ever known, we get it" indicating that the rest of the world is tired of hearing about Mitt Romney and Barack Obama that I decided to forget about politics and focus on the holidays. If, however, you still want to know what it's like to be an expat on election night, journalist Yves Eudes kindly mentioned us in his article, "Une nuit américaine à Paris" in Le Monde.

Lest you think that the elephant in the above photo has something to do with the Republican party, let me assure you that the pachyderm's presence in Paris was strictly apolitical. Much to the delight of the crowd assembled in front of Galeries Lafayette, model Loulou Robert arrived astride an elephant draped in a massive Louis Vuitton blanket to flip the switch that illuminated the facade of the department store. In an unscripted show of strength, Dumba pulled the switch out of it's socket as the lights cast a festive glow on Boulevard Hausmann.

A break-dancing panda, pink flamingos and fashionable purse-toting penguins in the luxurious Louis Vuitton designed windows are sure to captivate the attention of children and adults. Based on the theme, "The Ball of the Century", to mark the centenary of the store's magnificent stained glass dome, the windows were unveiled by Galeries Lafayette chief executive officer Philippe Houzé and Roberto Eggs, president for North Europe at Louis Vuitton.

With more than 5,000 crystal stars adorning the 21 meter (69 ft) Swarovski Christmas tree, the inside of Galeries Lafayette is even more enchanting than the outside.

In keeping with the "Ball of the Century" theme, Cinderella's magical carriage will be on display on the ground floor of the department store until January 8, 2013.

Please click here to see an album with more photos of the windows, Swarovski Christmas tree and Cinderella's carriage on Facebook.


  1. Oops, don't let me put you off! For the record, I fell asleep in front of the BBC election coverage at about 3.30 am and woke up just as Romney conceded at around 7, so it's not a case of not being interested (although, aren't we all a bit glad it's done and dusted?) Plus very happy Obama got back in! I must say though, the uber-patriotic political rhetoric does get a bit much for us understated Kiwis!

    Lovely photos, I have been intrigued about the elephant since I saw your tweet!

    1. Your tweet was like a breath of fresh air amongst all of the post election tweets, Gwan. Since some of them were getting to be fairly vitriolic it was a good reminder that the rest of the world wasn't quite as wrapped up in the elections as us Americans. Thanks for being a straight talking Kiwi!

      It was pretty remarkable to see an elephant on the streets of Paris. Everyone around me saw Dumba before I did and I didn't understand what all of the fuss was about until she walked into the spotlight! I was expecting some movie star or singer to flip the switch on the lights, not an elephant!

  2. I was hoping for a post about last night!! Thanks a lot, Gwan. : P

    I GUESS a post about LV and Christmas will have to suffice...

    I'm totally kidding. These photos are awesome, MK! I like to hold off on Christmas until at least Thanksgiving passes, but I just can't resist. These lights are so pretty and festive!

    Hmmm, I wonder what they're going to cook up on the Champs this year....I bet you already know! Give me a hint, is it better than the Space Age Odyssey thing that did last year??

    1. Sorry to disappoint, Mlle Ella! ;)

      Like you, we always wait to listen to Christmas carols or do anything Christmas related until after Thanksgiving. Even after seeing all of the Christmas lights at Galeries Lafayette and Printemps this week, it still feels too early for me.

      I heard that they're going to keep the Space Age Odyssey light rings but try to make them look more traditional by adding some more lights. They definitely weren't a very popular choice! There are some things you just don't mess with - like Christmas lights!

  3. What a fantastic elephant. I thought, just for a moment, that it could be made of chocolate, given how obsessed you've been with it lately. Mmmmm, chocolate. I think I need some.

    1. Me - obsessed with chocolate, Joseph? I think that you're imaging things! Next thing you'll be seeing elephants wearing Louis Vuitton blankets. It's probably that Green Chartreuse that you've been drinking!

  4. Great holiday-related post, Mary Kay and great article about your election night gathering as well! Cheers to you (and Gwan re that tweet!).

    Happy holidays.

    1. Thanks, Carolyn! I wonder where you're going to spend the holidays. England, Paris, Australia or the USA?!?

  5. A giant Louis Vuitton blanket...sounds like the sort of things dreams are made of and perfect for the start of pointy tree festivities! Again, stunning photos Mary Kay. I particularly love how you have captured the little girls expression...pure Christmas awe.

    1. Watching the children's faces as they viewed the windows was my favorite part of the evening. The children who met Cinderella looked as if Christmas had come early for them. They were in awe of her!

  6. I love the little girl with the big eyes in front of the christmas-window.
    Wonderful story. xS

    1. Are the Christmas decorations up in Vienna yet? I've never been to Vienna at Christmas time but remember that Salzburg looked very festive for the holidays.

  7. No, fortunately we are later in the year. Our x-mas markets will start this or next week. And around Nov 20th the christmas-windwos. Early enough in my opinion.


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